Cast a vote on a proposal with a reason attached to the vote.
function castVoteWithReason(uint proposalId, uint8 support, string calldata reason)
- proposalId: ID of a proposal in which to cast a vote.
- support: An integer of 0 for against, 1 for in-favor, and 2 for abstain.
- reason: A string containing the voter's reason for their vote selection.
- RETURN: No return, reverts on error.
GovernorAlpha gov = GovernorAlpha(0x123...); // contract address
gov.castVoteWithReason(proposalId, 2, "I think...");
Web3 1.2.6
const tx = gov.methods.castVoteWithReason(proposalId, 0, "I think...").send({ from: sender });
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