Braintrust holds your BTRST tokens for you on an internal wallet, but Braintrust is not an exchange. The Braintrust platform is keeping track of BTRST that you earn and storing it for you on a wallet hosted at an insured, qualified custodian. Multi-Sig wallets are held at Coinbase and Anchorage Institutional Custody.
Once the tokens leave the Braintrust platform, they are your responsibility. If you lose them, the network cannot get them back for you. If you are new to token transfers, we recommend starting with small amounts.
If you’d like to use your tokens to vote, stake, or exchange, you will need an external wallet that is ERC-20 compatible and is set up to support the Base network.
If you'd like to participate in voting, you need to withdraw your tokens to Base, which can be added as a custom network to any EVM-compatible wallet. Follow these instructions to do so. For detailed steps on adding to Metamask, follow this Base Setup.
There are a number of excellent resources about how to create a wallet, the different types of wallets available, and how to properly secure them: