Follow these steps to add Base to Metamask.
Step 1: Go to settings, select networks, click add network
Step 2: Find the values for the Base Mainnet
Step 3: Tab to “Custom networks”, add the values
Step 4: I can now see my BTRST balance
Step 5: If I switch back to L1 (Ethereum Main Network) you can see I have no BTRST, as I deposited directly into Base from another wallet. To a user not familiar with Base, they would likely be looking here and see no balance. Just switch your balance back to Base to see your balance on Base.
Steps to add BTRST token compatibility to Base
You can see above I had already added BTRST to MetaMask … but if I had not yet I also need to add it.
Step 1: Change to Base Network, Select Import Tokens
Step 2: Adding the BTRST token is very manual on Base, on Mainnet you can easily search for it.
This flow demonstrates the more difficult (but likely) flow the user will take.
Paste in the Token address, the rest will auto-fill
Step 3: Tap import, this will detect BTRST and show my balance
Steps to withdraw from Base
Using the Bridge UI