Client FAQs
Learn about how clients hire through Braintrust, make payments, invoice and more.
- How do I setup my company account?
- How do I add a new user to my account?
- How do I post a job?
- How do I use the templates to create my job description?
- How do I add a payment method to my account?
- How do I review applications?
- How do I message talent?
- How do I schedule interviews with talent?
- How do I send an offer?
- Fraud Prevention
- How do I pay invoices?
- Where can I view invoices?
- What is BYOT and how do I set it up?
- Why can't I pay an invoice after adding my bank account?
- What is the Braintrust Fee Invoice?
- Why can't I pay the fee invoice?
- What is the invoice period?
- Can I pay the talent off-platform in local currency to avoid currency conversion fees?
- How do I manage email notifications?
- How do I leave a review?
- How do I delete my account?
- Understanding the different Job Types
- How do I manage a job?
- How do I submit a bug report?
- Guide: How Invoicing Works for Clients